Dairy products rise 10% - CSO

IRISH MANUFACTURING prices increased by 2

IRISH MANUFACTURING prices increased by 2.7 per cent year-on-year in January, according to new data from the Central Statistics Office.

This jump was driven by rises in the price of certain foods, with dairy products becoming almost 10 per cent more expensive, and meat products jumping 8 per cent.

In addition, computer, electronic and optical products were 4.4 per cent more costly in January, against the same month a year earlier, but furniture was found to be 3.4 per cent cheaper.

The price of energy products rose more than 4 per cent in the year to January, while petroleum fuels soared by 11.1 per cent.


The figures also showed that manufacturing prices relating to export sales rose 2.5 per cent year-on-year.

However, the CSO noted that this can be influenced by currency fluctuations.

Basic pharmaceutical products and pharmaceutical preparations were up two per cent, according to the office.